wtorek, 24 kwietnia 2012

Shooting even in the rain ;))

Put some sunshine into the rain - that's what I did on one rainy Sunday! I've taken my umbrella and gone for a walk. So I also decided to take some photos. By the way, thank to my mum, gr8 photographer! :) And greetings for Bruno Mars, again you made my life full of music... <3 See ya soon, guyz!


Last time I heard from my friend that my hair looks burgunde. Allright, that was nice! But what do YOU think? That's my #fb profile pic. Btw follow me on #facebook & #twitter xx

poniedziałek, 9 kwietnia 2012

Polish Easter :)

Today I'll tell ya a little about Easter in Poland! So on Saturday before Easter christians go to church with their basket. In the baskets they have painted eggs, food and figures of white lamb and yellow small chickens. People often put chocolate eggs and hares into... Basket can be decorated by spring flowers. As an example I'm showing you my basket. Do you like it?

piątek, 6 kwietnia 2012

New photos!

Heey, it's me again! This time I'm gonna show ya new pics of me. I wanted them to be bright and like a rainbow. Even it's raining I can take photos at home, can't I? HAPPY EASTER guyzz! xx