wtorek, 13 grudnia 2011

In gymnasia...

Every day's life means 'school'. That's where I enjoy being with my buddies and have some awesome adventures... Excited before the exam, happy during free time :D Here on pic I'm having fun with friend and taking funny photos, like it much!

środa, 7 grudnia 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

I love the time when Santa Claus comes! Having fun in the snow, singing colends, staying with all family and opening presents... Christmas connects people so I wish ya all happiness and to have great time in December! ~

Building relations in Piwniczna Zdroj

Me and my new class were in Piwniczna to reconize each other better than before. I really think it was one of the best journeys ever! We had so much fun and pijama party tonight, it was awesome... We remind that 2 days till today. My friends' happiness is also mine <3