poniedziałek, 19 listopada 2012

Theatre x

Hi, I'm before school now! xx Try to imagine, today I have to give to teacher my drawing for a competition and I have two tests: math and history... :o I'll try to do my best, but I'm not sure about it. Anyway, cross fingers for me guys!!! :)
And not to make you bored, look at my pic, a bit old one, but still gold 'cuz made by similarity to Audrey Hepburn, she's the best actress I've ever heard of!!!


niedziela, 18 listopada 2012

Honey blond hair x

Hey again! xx As you maybe noticed, I change my hair colour a bit... Sure you remember me as a brunette, as a redhead, but blonde? ;)) YESSS, that's a new me! I decided to try honey blond highlights with some caramel blond. Check it out! What do you think of my change?


First of all, I wanna say sorry to all of You, bacause I know some of You are fond of my blog... If you knew how much work I had, you wouldn't be surprised that I left blogging for some time. ;) But now I'm coming back with soooo many pics to show you, with so many things to tell You!!! So let me start from holiday...
Honestly it was too short! It was hot and very enjoyable, BUT after that period of fun, school came and, You know, plenty of subjects to learn :s But anyway, have a look at 2 holiday pics with the sunset... xx I hope ya'll like it!

niedziela, 13 maja 2012

Love you, my lovies xx

This time I wanna greet my all fans who read this blog, who follow me on Twitter & Facebook. Thanks mainly to Poland, United States, United Kingdom, Mexicio, Russia and Germany. I miss you, my Japan friends!!! And looking forward to hear from Hawai people. xxx

Say 'hi' to Sapa!

I guess you were looking forward to read my new post (joke ;P) so I came to show ya my Sapcia. As i remember it is da second time? If I'm wrong, then shout at me much plzzz :DD
So here on photo, I'm in the garden with my sweetest doggy. Ye, my garden looks like a forest or a wood and that's why I hearty that <3. By the way, Sapa doesn't like taking photographs & it was difficult to make her agreed.

wtorek, 24 kwietnia 2012

Shooting even in the rain ;))

Put some sunshine into the rain - that's what I did on one rainy Sunday! I've taken my umbrella and gone for a walk. So I also decided to take some photos. By the way, thank to my mum, gr8 photographer! :) And greetings for Bruno Mars, again you made my life full of music... <3 See ya soon, guyz!


Last time I heard from my friend that my hair looks burgunde. Allright, that was nice! But what do YOU think? That's my #fb profile pic. Btw follow me on #facebook & #twitter xx